Picture2 1 I Seaman's Help

The first Romanian platform

For on line support

Of seafarers from everywhere

The seamanshelp.com website is the first platform of this kind, which wants to actually come to the aid of seafarers on board ships, regardless of the specifics of the activity (maritime, coastal, port, river, offshore, etc.), in solving certain technical, operational, medical or other problems, inherent, that may occur during the voyages.

All users of the site can post, in the related department, after logging in, any problem of a technical or operational nature that competes directly with the on-board service in conditions of maximum safety. To the posted matter can react any logged user, from the department in witch the matter was reported.

In this section all the site users can post, regardless of the role chosen when registering on the site, in the related heading, after logging in, any IT  matter witch compete directly to performing the service on board in maximum safety conditions.

Very important!!!

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If you want to have access to all the facilities offered by the site, you can register for free by accessing the button below.

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The registration on the site will be done using a nickname both for the user and in the email used for registration on the site.

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Instructions for creating a new email address using a nickname can be accessed by activating the button below.