The site represents an assistance portal, in which any user (regardless of the function held) can account having the possibility to modify / delete / update whenever it wants the profile, and can subsequently post any technical problem, of exploitation, medical or otherwise facing the ship and asking for help in solving it.

1. Registration on the site

One of the main policies of the site is the one of total confidentiality, respectively the users as well as the moderators will carry out their activity on the site under the protection of anonymity.

Why this policy?

a. Users under the protection of anonymity can really post the problems they are facing without fear of being recognized and apostropheed in any way by other users.

b. The moderators, respectively the members of the team of specialists of the site, hereinafter referred to as the Seamans Help – ESH Team, will act under the same protection of anonymity due to reciprocity considerations.

Following the ones presented above, for the registration on the site you will have to provide the following data:

i. User name (Nick name, a random name of your choice).

ii. Email address (In which we suggest you do not use personal data or that can identify you)

iii. The section you want to access. (Chosen role at registration). About the sections, your access to them, as well as how to use them, you will find all the necessary information when you access each section, at the top of them.

Example: A user who carries out his activity within the deck department (officer, rating or student) will choose at registration the role of Deck department user. The others, as well, depending on the department in which they operate.

iv. Password

The registration on the site will be approved by its administrator or by one of the moderators, after a preliminary verification, if the data provided by you violates or not any of the policies of the site, which you can consult at the bottom of the presentation page of the site.

2. Login to the site

Logging into the site, after you have previously registered, will only be possible with the help of your nickname and password.

3. Seamans Help – ESH team

This team (which will be in continuous development) is made up of professionals with experience in carrying out various activities carried out on board ships.

It may involve navigators, teachers, doctors, psychologists or other staff with experience in what they do.

The team of specialists of the site ESH is and will be selected as follows:

* The boarded staff can acquire the quality of ESH member depending on the number of correct and substantiated solutions they offer to the posted problems and not lastly depending on the behavior in the site. For this, each user is assigned a like-dislike system that he can use to evaluate colleagues’ advice in solving the posted problem.

* The same quality of member in ESH can be obtained also the personnel engaged in the activity of preparation of the navigators (teachers, engineers, personnel from the shipyards, etc.). In this case, their selection will be made according to the same like-dislike system.

4. Like-dislike system

This feature was created primarily to eliminate the biased posts and especially to block the malicious users, so that the site will achieve its purpose for which it was created to become really a useful tool in the activity of the navigators. So you will decide (depending on the number of positive or negative reviews) which user can be placed in the category of ESH members or which other user should be blocked. The minimum number of positive or negative appreciations you will set in the Suggestions and References section.

In this sense, each post will be checked in advance and approved by the site administrator, or by a member of the moderators team, so that any post that does not comply with the site policy will be rejected, and the respective user will be warned or even be denied access to the site.

While using the site you are bound to observe the following rules:

* You will use this site exclusively for information and training;

* You will respect the intellectual property rights regarding any element found on this site;

* You will not take any action that could cause any harm to our site;

We reserve the right to block the access of any user who violates the above rules and to address the competent authorities to recover the damages caused.