About us. The site seamanshelp.com is the first platform of its kind, which wants  to aid effectively the seafarers and not only them, regardless of the specificity of the activity (maritime, riverine, off-shore, and others) who are on board ships by solving certain inherent technical problems (or otherwise) that can occur during voyages.

It is well known that trying to solve problems alone (technical or not) occurring on board ship does not always lead to finding and especially implementing the best solution to solve them and above anything else it jeopardizes the safety of ship and navigation.  Effective solving of any problem can be possible only after seeking the opinion of specialists in the any given field.  Specialists who can be your colleagues on board, colleagues on board other ships, deck, engineering and electro-technical officers, teachers or engineers specialized in certain domains, or other categories of experienced personnel.   

We triy to make a site available for seafarers which is easy to be followed and used, but first of all useful.

So we want to develop a relationship between us and users based on trust, mutual respect, transparency, professionalism and especially effectiveness. 

Those who use the website, seamanshelp.com, will be responsible for a possible effect, which may result from the authorized use of the authentication data (password and user), and also by the way they benefit from the services offered by the our site.

Terms and Conditions are applicable to all the users of the site seamanshelp.com , including users contributing with video, audio materials, images, articles, information or other materials and services on the site.

The site seamanshelp.com can contain links to other sites, property of third parties or controlled by third parties with no connection with the owners of this website.

seamanshelp.com has no control and does not assume any responsibility for the content, policies or practices of any of these websites.

The administrator of seamanshelp.com  cannot and will not censor or edit in any way the content of a third site to an link  existing at a certain moment in the pages of  seamanshelp.com.

By using seamanshelp.com, you explicitly and unconditionally exonerate the site seamanshelp.com and its administrators of any liability or consequence resulting from your use of a third site. 

As a consequence, we recommend that you carefully read the Terms and Conditions of use of each of the sites you visit or use.

The following activities on this site are completely forbidden:

•    Political propaganda of any type and under any form

•    Posting on site any materials that do not comply with copyright.

•    Posting on site any material, comments, etc. against site policy.

Through continuous monitoring of the activity carried out on the site in accordance with the principles of professional quality and morality, as well as through the formation of a team of carefully selected specialists – ( Seamans Help TeamSHT), seamanshelp.com can become over time, an useful tool, performing and especially efficient for seafarers activity.