Within this section, all users of the site may post, in the relevant department, after logging in, any problem of a technical or exploitative nature that directly competes in performing the service on board under conditions of maximum safety.

Access to the components of this section is allowed to registered users with the roles of: engine department user or deck department user, depending on the component accessed.


In the „ engine department ” component, only users who are register as a engine compartment user will be allowed.

The information can be requested from all the main or auxiliary sections of the respective department, from any category of ship on which the user operates.

To the posted matter can react any logged user, from the department in witch the matter was reported. On the same matter can also answer one of the member from the site specialists team (Seamans Help TeamSHT).

You can find details about the SHT team on Regulations for use of the site.

Remember to use the like-dislike system to continually improve the quality of the site. You can find details about the system on the same Regulations.

To receive assistance, click on one of the departments below.

Engine Department Assistance

In this section we try to come to your aid in solving any problem of a technical or operational nature that may occur in the engine department during the voyages.

Deck Department Assistance

In this section we try to come to your aid in solving any problem of a technical or operational nature that may occur in the deck department during the voyages.