In this section we try to help you in the process of preparing for the tests in job interviews in shipping companies, by making available to users most of the questions in the most used programs in this regard.
The materials contained in this section are a means of assisting candidates in obtaining employment in shipping companies.
This section is NOT an official source of training for seafarers !!!
The materials may contain erroneous or incomplete information !!!
The materials will be introduced in this section, gradually, after their verification by the SHT team.
To access the materials, you need to create an account!
This section is not intended to replace the learning process, but only to familiarize you with the form of the questions, the format of the interview and to deepen your knowledge.
If you believe that certain questions are incorrect in form or answer, or are incomplete, please write to us at, or access the Contact section.
Thank you and we wish you more in-depth and good luck on testing!!!
Program Questions 1
In this section you will find the questions from the most used program for hiring a shipping company.
Program Questions 2
In this section you will find the questions from another program used for hiring a shipping company.
Program Questions 3
In this section you will find questions from a program used primarily for employment in US companies.