This policy was drafted on June 1, 2022, and will be periodically reviewed and updated.

1. Introduction

Thank you for your interest in our company, products and / or services. When you enter into a relationship of any kind with us, we trust your information.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to explain to you what data we process, why we process them and what we do with them. We take your privacy seriously and we never sell lists or email addresses. Being fully aware of the fact that your personal information belongs to you, we do our best to store them securely and process them carefully. We do not provide information to third parties without informing you. This information is important. We hope you read them carefully.

This note informs you about the information we process in relation to you in relation to our organization. In collecting this information, we act as an operator and, by law, we are obliged to provide you with information about us, the reason and how we use your data and the rights you have over your data.

SC Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L. is committed to meeting the highest standards of data protection. If the information below does not answer your questions, please contact us with the contact details listed on the site.

a. We only use the data to your advantage

We will only use your data to improve your browsing experience and discovery of our services.

b. We provide the highest protection

We will protect your data as if it were ours, at the highest available standards.

c. You decide what happens to the data

We acknowledge that you are the sole holder of your data and we will always answer you directly to any questions about it.

d. No spam

We will not send you spam and we will not give your data to anyone to send you spam.

e. We will understand when you no longer want to collaborate

If you opt out of receiving communications from us and delete your account, we will delete your data after a while without further intervention on your part. We will not retain data that you no longer want to use.

S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L. hereinafter referred to as „Operator„, processes personal data in accordance with European Regulation no. 679/2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (GDPR) and the national legislation in force.

By communicating their personal data to the Operator, the data subjects expressly and unequivocally agree that their personal data will enter the Operator’s database and be processed for the purpose of transmitting periodic e-mail information about the products and services promoted by the Operator.

The Operator respects the confidentiality of personal data he or she becomes aware of in any way. Collected personal data shall not be disclosed to third parties except with the express consent of the data subject and in cases where the Operator is required to comply with the obligations imposed by applicable law.

The correct information of the users of this site is important to us, so we will explain in detail, in the following rows, what data we collect from you, how we use it, what purpose we use and what your rights are in this context.

2. Another services

This Privacy Policy does not cover the applications and sites of other third parties that you can reach by accessing the links on our site. This is beyond our control. We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy on any site and / or application before providing personal data.

3. Who are we?

SC Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L. is a Romanian company, with registered office in Constanta, Aleea Branduselor, no.3, Bl. Z2, Sc. D, 1st floor, Ap. 51, registered with the Trade Register Office under no. J13 / 2309 / 20.08.2018, having C.I.F. 39761120.

As author, owner and administrator of the site, we are responsible for processing your personal data that we collect directly from you or from other sources.

Our company respects the confidentiality and security of the processing of personal data of each person accessing the website. In this regard, we make every effort to ensure that the information that is entered in our databases is used only for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes.

4. Who are you?

According to the legislation, you, the natural beneficiary of our services and / or products, the representative or the contact person of a company or the person in a relationship of any kind with our company, you are a „data person„, that is an identified natural person or identifiable. In order to be completely transparent regarding data processing and to allow you to easily exercise your rights, at any time, we have implemented measures to facilitate communication between us, the data operator and you, the data subject.

5. Definitions

* NSAPPD =  The National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data;

* “personal data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person („the data subject”); an identifiable individual is a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or one or more many specific elements of his physical, physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social identity;

* “processing” means any operation or set of operations performed on personal data or on personal data sets with or without the use of automated means such as collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, adapting or modifying, extracting, consulting , use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction;

* “restriction of processing” means the marking of stored personal data in order to limit its future processing;

* “operator” means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or with others, establishes the purposes and means of processing personal data; where the purposes and means of processing are laid down by Union or national law, the operator or the specific criteria for designating it may be laid down in Union or national law;

* “the person empowered by the operator” means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body processing personal data on behalf of the operator;

* “recipient” means the natural or legal person, the public authority, the agency or other body to which personal data is disclosed, whether or not it is a third party. However, public authorities to whom personal data may be communicated in a particular investigation under Union or national law shall not be considered as recipients; the processing of such data by the respective public authorities complies with the applicable data protection rules in accordance with the purposes of the processing;

* “consent” of the person concerned means any manifestation of free, specific, informed and unambiguous will of the person concerned by which he or she accepts, through a statement or unequivocal action, that the personal data concerning him or her are processed;

* violation of personal data security means a security breach that accidentally or unlawfully leads to the unauthorized destruction, loss, modification or disclosure of Personal Data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed or to unauthorized access to them.

6. Our commitment

The protection of your personal information is very important for us. Therefore, we have committed to respect the European and national legislation on the protection of personal data, in particular Regulation (EU) 679/2016, also known as the GDPR and the following principles:

* Legality, fairness and transparency

We process your data legally and correctly. We are always transparent about the information we use, and you are properly informed.

* The control belongs to you

Within the limits of the law, we offer you the possibility to examine, modify, delete the personal data that you have shared with us and to exercise your other rights.

* Data integrity and purpose limitation

We use the data only for the purposes described at the time of collection or for new purposes compatible with the initial ones. In all cases, our goals are compatible with the legislation. We take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal data is accurate, complete and up to date.

* Security

We have implemented reasonable security and encryption measures so that we can protect your information as best as possible. However, keep in mind that no website, application and internet connection is completely secure.

7. Changes

We may change this Privacy Policy at any time. All updates and modifications of this Policy are valid immediately upon notification, which we will make by posting on the site and / or email notification.

8. What personal data we collect

Depending on the type of personal data requested, they are used differently.

When you browse our site, fill in the contact form, send us an e-mail request, you wish to purchase a service or contact us for any other purpose and any other communication channel, you may communicate the following data to us personal, which we collect directly from you or from other sources, such as:

* Nick name

* Email Address

* Phone number

* The company you represent

* The function you have within the company

It is possible to collect data through cookies or other similar technologies, such as:

* IP address

* Internet browser

* The location

* The web pages you access on our site

In the following texts, find detailed explanations explaining why we ask you for certain dates and what we do with them.

I. Name and contact information (rank, nationality, sex)

How we use the name and contact information (rank, nationality, gender) Why?
We use this data to personalize the emails you receive from us. For communication based on common sense and respect.
To send you information by email, or SMS about the new news or services added to the site. To keep you up to date with our work. We only send information for which we have received your consent.
Preventing and detecting fraud. To prevent and detect fraud that concerns both you and S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L; unfortunate cases, but it is absolutely necessary.
To keep up with your preferences and other users. To give you exactly the things you expect and want to be really useful in your work.

II. E-mail address

How we use the e-mail address Why?
It is used to access your
account and to receive important
information about the proper
functioning of your site and account.
It is the main link with you.  

III. Mobile phone number

How we use the mobile phone number Why?
If you’ve provided us with your
phone number, we use this data to get you quick on issues related to your account.
If the e-mail address is disabled and important messages may be lost.

IV. Date of birth

How we use the date of birth Why?
Preventing and detecting fraud.   To prevent and detect fraud
that concerns both you and
S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L; unfortunate cases, but it is
absolutely necessary.
To make surprises, occasionally.   We are sending you wishes for
your anniversary.

V. Genre: Miss/Misses/Mister

How we use the information regarding genre Why?
To be able to address us correctly.   For communication based on common sense and respect.

VI. Informations on how to pay

How we use the informations on how to pay Why?
Our online payment processor through our Site Service directs you to the bank’s platform if you opted for the online payment method of the service. We do not retain or process the information provided in the online payment process: card number, CVV. To honor the distance contract with you. We do not offer some of our services free of charge: they have a price to pay online if you opt for this method.  
To prevent and detect frauds.   To prevent and detect fraud that concerns both you and S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L; unfortunate cases, but it is absolutely necessary.

VII. Your request history

How we use your request history Why?
In order to be able to solve your requests and provide you with support. We need to keep track of your requests to provide you with the best customer support.

VIII. Your phone or laptop information and the way you use our sites: IP address, electronic device type, and browsing history

How we use your phone or laptop information and the way you use our sites: IP address, electronic device type, and browsing history   Why?
To constantly improve our site.   In order to determine how you use our site and give you the best browsing experience. The goal is to make the necessary changes so you can find the information you are looking for more easily and quickly.
To protect our site   To prevent and detect fraud attempts on you and our company. In order to fulfill our legal obligations to protect your personal data.

You are not required to provide us with your personal data, but if you do not, you will not be able to take advantage of our site services and you may not have the best online experience. Your decision is exclusive and we respect it.

We assure you that we anonymize your personal information (so that you can not be identified) and use it to test the IT systems we use to improve the experience of our sites and to develop new products and other related services.

9. Disclosure and transmission of personal information

SC PHOENIX MARTECH ASSISTANCE S.R.L may permit the processing of your personal data by third parties only in the following cases:

a. We may transmit personal information to public authorities or institutions in accordance with law or good faith if:

i. it is provided in a legal provision;

ii. protects S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L.;

iii. prevents a crime or protects national security;

iv. protects individual safety or public safety;

v. this information is necessary to solve different legal situations;

vi. if your activities are inconsistent with the terms and conditions set forth by S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L., or instructions for the use of certain products and services, especially in security matters ;

 vii. are you coming where S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L. merged or acquired in whole or in part by another company, the database is transferred to the new operator;

viii. where S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L. becomes insolvent, voluntarily or involuntarily, through the liquidator, administrator or purchaser established, the database may be sold, authorized, transacted only with the consent of the court;

ix. if the above mentioned situations will occur, you will be notified by email or by posting an ad on your site.

10. Personal data processing time

We store personal data only for the period necessary to achieve the goals, but not more than 5 years after the termination of the contract or the last interaction with us.

After the end of the period, personal data will be destroyed or deleted from computer systems or transformed into anonymous data for use for scientific, historical or statistical research purposes.

Note that in certain expressly regulated situations, we store data for the period that is required by law.

SC PHOENIX MARTECH ASSISTANCE SRL will keep the Personal Data provided by you only as long as it is necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were provided or as required by applicable law and will return, delete or destroy all Personal Data processed in the deadline set by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 „General Regulation on data protection” for a maximum of 30 days from the request of return, erasure or destruction for any reason.

We will keep the personal information provided by you as long as you have an account on our sites, or, if you contact us, for the time required to process your applications.

The data that is requested by the Romanian authorities can be kept, in order to comply with the legal obligations in relation to our company, even if your user account has been closed.

11. What data we collect with cookies from our site

We set cookies on your computer for:

– remember if I showed you promotional banners

– remember if you are logged in to your account on the site

– remember if you are a new or recurring visitor and what pages you have visited on the site

– remember if we showed you the option to subscribe to our newsletter

12. How do we protect your information with others?

We may disclose your data, in compliance with applicable law, to business partners or other third parties. We are constantly making reasonable efforts to ensure that these third parties have implemented adequate protection and security measures. With these third parties we have contractual clauses so that your data is protected. If the law obliges us, we will inform you about the identity of these companies before the transfer or within a reasonable time and we will ensure that any transfer is legitimate, based on your consent or other legal basis.

For example, we may provide your data to other companies, such as IT or telecommunications service providers, accounting, legal services and other third parties with whom we have a contractual relationship. These third parties are selected with special care so that your data are processed only for the purposes we indicate.

Also, we could share your data to business partners as a result of a joint effort to provide a product or service.

Although unlikely, we could sell the business in the future or part of the business, which will include the transfer of your data.

We may transmit the data of other parties with your consent according to your instructions.

We will also be able to provide your personal information to the prosecutor’s office, the police, the courts and other authorized bodies of the state, based on and within the limits of the legal provisions and as a result of expressly formulated requests.

We will ensure, within reasonable limits, that your data does not leave the European Economic Area, but, as we transfer data to countries outside the EEA, we will ensure, in all cases, that the transfers are legitimate, based on your consent. explicit or other legal basis.

13. Site users’ rights

SC Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L., as a personal data operator, implemented technical and organizational measures to ensure that site users’ rights are respected (individuals subject to Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the Regulation), namely:

* The right to be informed about the way your personal data is used (such as this page).

* The right of access means the right of the data subject to obtain confirmation from the operator that he or she does or does not process the personal data concerning him / her and, if so, access to that data and information on the way the data is processed.

* The right to data portability refers to the right to receive personal data in a structured format that is currently used and which can be read automatically and to the right to transmit these data directly to another operator if this is feasible from the point of view of technical view.

* The right to object concerns the right of the data subject to object to the processing of personal data when the processing is necessary for the performance of a task which is in the public interest or when it concerns the legitimate interest of the controller. Where the processing of personal data is for direct marketing purposes, the data subject has the right to oppose processing at any time.

* The right to rectification refers to the correction, without undue delay, of inaccurate personal data stored. You have the right to rectify the data held in connection with you if they are not correct. If the data we hold about you needs to be updated or if you think it may be incorrect, you can log in to the user account to update them. The data subject has the right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data relating to him, without undue delay and completion of incomplete personal data, including by providing an additional statement. The correction must be communicated to each recipient to whom the data was transmitted, unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate (demonstrable) efforts.

* The right to delete data („the right to be forgotten”) means the right of the data subject to request that his or her personal data be erased without undue delay if one of the following applies: they are no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which they were collected or processed; withdraws consent and there is no other legal basis for processing; opposes processing and there are no legitimate reasons to prevail; personal data has been processed illegally; personal data must be deleted for compliance with a legal obligation; personal data has been collected in connection with the provision of information society services. You may request that your data be deleted by contacting us at the e-mail address in the Contact section above. Your personal data will be deleted automatically after a 24-month period without any activity in the user account (log in, confirm receipt, SMS delivery confirmation).

* The right to restrict processing can be exercised if the person disputes the accuracy of the data for a period that allows verification of the correctness of the data; processing is illegal and the person opposes the deletion of personal data, instead requesting restriction; if the operator no longer requires personal data for processing, but the person requests them for the establishment, exercise or defense of a right in court; if the person opposed to the processing for the period of time that it is verified that the legitimate rights of the operator prevail over the person’s rights.

* Right of withdrawal of consent.

* The right not to be the subject of a decision based solely on automatic processing, including profiling.

* The right to bring you justice.

* The right to report to the authorities the violation of the rights provided by the New Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data and the right to appeal to justice

The regulatory authority in Romania is: The National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data.

You may exercise the above-mentioned rights by making a written, dated and signed application filed to S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L. or please contact us at the e-mail or phone number in the Contact section. In the application, please indicate whether you want the information to be sent to a specific address (postal or electronic) or through a mailing service to ensure that you will only be handed over personally. Please note that prior to any such request, we reserve the right to verify your identity to ensure that the request comes from you.

We will do our best to help you, but if you continue to be dissatisfied, you can contact the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing.

Collection and processing of personal data obtained through the site, is carried out in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation. For any information or solicitation under the right of the data subject in accordance with the Regulations, you may address the S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L. at the email address:

Please note that:

* You can withdraw your consent for direct marketing at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions from each email / sms or other electronic message.

* If you want to exercise your rights, you can do so by sending a written request, signed and dated to the email address:

* The rights listed above are not absolute. There are exceptions, which is why each request received will be analyzed so that we decide whether it is well founded or not. To the extent that the application is well founded, we will facilitate the exercise of your rights. If the request is unfounded, we will reject it, but we will inform you about the reasons for the refusal and the rights to file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority or to address the justice.

We will try to respond to the request within 30 days. However, the term can be extended depending on different aspects, such as the complexity of the request, the large number of applications received or the inability to identify you in a useful term.

If, although we make every effort, we fail to identify you, and you do not provide us with additional information to succeed in identifying you, we are not obligated to comply with the request.

14. The purposes and legal bases of the processing. The categories of personal data collected and processed by S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L.

By completing any form available at, you express your express agreement on the collection and processing of personal data by S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L., both manually and automatically, in order to be contacted by S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L. (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereafter the Regulation).

If you do not agree to your data being processed, you have the right and the freedom not to fill in the available forms and not to access the site:

When completing the forms available on, S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L. will collect personal data by providing information on the purpose of collecting each personal data that is requested.

SC Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L. can also receive and record on his servers information about the IP address and cookie information of the requested site. You have the option to set your internet browser so that it rejects certain cookies. In this case, however, there will be a negative impact on your navigation on S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L. on cookies can be found under What data we collect with the cookies on our site.

15. Protection of personal data. Retention period of data

SC Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L. will not disclose personal data collected through the site, except for authorized employees and contractors / partners who have the capacity of persons to whom they are required to process them on behalf of S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L. or to provide services available to , or where the disclosure obligation is a legal obligation of S.C. Phoenix Martech AssistanceS.R.L. or its employees or contractors / partners.

SC Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L. has implemented the organizational and security measures necessary to protect against unauthorized access, use, alteration or destruction of personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation.

SC Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L., together with its collaborators, has assumed responsibility for implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the confidentiality and security of personal data.

Also, S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L. provides access to personal data, authorized employees and contractors / partners (empowered persons) only in accordance with the declared purpose of data collection. All employees, collaborators and service providers of S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L., who is in contact with personal data, must act in accordance with the privacy and privacy policies and privacy policies and privacy procedures policies and sign affiliations and privacy agreements with respect to such data.

The personal data of the users of are retained for a period of 5 years (depending on the purpose of collecting personal data), users being informed each time they provide their personal data about the exact retention period .

The personal data of the clients at are retained for a period of 10 years (according to the legal obligation to archive accounting documents).

16. Changes to privacy policy

If it considers that a change in privacy rules is required, S.C. Phoenix Martech Assistance S.R.L. will publish those changes on this page to let you know what types of data are being collected and how they are used.

If you have questions about the privacy policy, please write to us at

17. Informations on the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing (NASPDP)

If you consider your rights as set out in Regulation (EU). 2016/679 have been violated, you have the possibility to address your NASPDP by submitting a complaint.

Contact data of NASPDP are:

Avenue G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru 28-30 Sector 1, postal code 010336 Bucharest, Romania
Phone: +40.318.059.211
Fax: +40.318.059.602
Web page:

18. Questions, requests and the exercise of rights

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the processing of your information or you wish to exercise your legal rights or have any other concerns regarding confidentiality, you can write to us at the e-mail address

Congratulations! You’ve reached the end! We are glad you took the time to find out how we protect your personal information.